Introductory Word
Basic Informations
Congress Topics
Scientific Program
Registration Form
Abstract Submision
Organisers / Committees
Exhibitors / Partners
Important Dates

General Information:

Event dates: 6th to 8th October 2022
Event venue: Hotel TENIS****  Zvolen

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Congress registration fee until 31st July 2022:


€ 100 (SSSTP/SSTP members)
€ 120
(SSSTP/SSTP non-member)


 € 20 (Algesiology)
€  30

Congress registration fee after 1st August 2022:


€ 125 (SSSTP/SSTP members)
€ 145
(SSSTP/SSTP non-member)


 € 30 (Algesiology)               
 € 40

The congress fee can be paid ONLY to the SLS account, payment for registration in cash is not possible!

Registration fee for the Congres is covered by every participant.

Congress fee includes:
Admission to all professional lectures and symposiums
Participation in Companies exhibitions
Conference materials (programme, abstracts proceedings, name badges)
Certificate of attendance (including granted credits on education)

* * *

Congress fee does not include:
Registration for the Discussion forum: € 15 / person
              (Accompanying person: € 20 / person)
06/10/2022 - served lunch: € 15
07/10/2022 - served lunch: € 15
08/10/2022 - served lunch: € 15

Payment for the conference welcome reception and meals can be paid at the registration in cash. In case such payment
is done through a pharmaceutical companies, the company will issue a confirmation on non-monetary fulfilment.


Payment of the congress fee:
Account name: Slovenská lekárska spoločnosť (Slovak Medical Association)
Bank: VUB, a.s.Bratislava-mesto
Account number: 4532012
Bank Code: 0200
IBAN: SK36 0200 0000 0000 0453 2012
Constant symbol: 0308
Variable symbol (VS) for physician payments:221038069
Variable symbol (VS) for nurse (and others) payment:2210385233
Message for the recipient: Please put your name and surname

When the payment of congress fee is done by e-banking, it is necessary to submit the confirmation of the payment at the registration.
In case of payment by other entities (companies, hospitals), the name of the person for whom the payment was made must be provided. Please provide the confirmation of the fee payment at the registration.
Cancellation of participation is possible until 1st August 2022 - 75% of the paid fee will be returned by the Organising Committee.
It is not possible to refund the amount paid after this date.

Participation: active / passive
Application deadline: active / passive participation: by 31st July 2022
- it is also the last date for abstracts submission (programme closure).
When the deadline is not met, the presentation will not be included  in the programme.

Applications for registration and abstracts will be accepted in electronic form only. Further correspondence with registered participants only.

Each participant is responsible for his own accommodation; it is advissed to book the accommodation in advance as per accommodation capacities are limited.
Further correspondence with registered participants only.

After registration, each participant is obliged to wear a visible name badge – the badge entitles you to move around the conference rooms.

For active participants:
Presentation abstracts are accepted only in a structured form and sent via the "Abstract" Form on this portal by 31st July 2022.
The abstract should contain names and surnames of the authors, title of the article, the correct email address for the correspondence and the abstract. Instructions are given in the  "Abstract" Form.
Duration of presentation: 10 minutes (except requested lectures). Presentation equipment: PC + projector. Double-projection requirement must be indicated separately.
MS PowerPoint presentation format is accepted.
Presentations data should be provided 15 minutes before the current block of the presentations.
Supported media: USB flash drive, CD-R / RW, DVD media. FD are not accepted. Remote control and laser pointer will be available. Please respect the reserved presentation time! Each section chair reserves the right to shorten / interrupt the presentation after passing the given time frame.

Posters: Maximum dimension: 100 x 90 cm (height x width), hardened paper, the possibility of sticking double-sided tape on the spot.


Available for registered Congress participants at the parking lot in front of the Hotel